Tuesday, June 26, 2007

She's not long.

The mater is weakening daily. The New Inamorata got to meet her, and received her blessing. They bonded very quickly. It was eerie, but not unexpected. They are both very compassionate people.
TNI was very unhappy, thinking that the mater will not get to be her mother-in-law and she will not be this woman's daughter-in-law. Although this is not in the current plans, TNI always thinks ahead to what could be. I think she doesn't care about the in-law part, it's the relationship she will miss having. TNI is smart that way.
I, being male, couldn't say anything other than "I know, honey."
Life doesn't suck, but often howls very loud in one's ears. Sometimes one cannot write, nor paint, nor sing, nor occaisionally raise one's head from the couch cushion for the sound of it.
It is still Life, and everyone has to listen to it. One raises one's head and sings along.

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