Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Seeking Satisfaction

The judge who recently lost his lawsuit against his drycleaners should be paid some money. Every PR rep in the country is smacking his or her head into the desk, saying, "Why can't I get that kind of sympathetic press for my client?"
The judge earned a PR fee, big-time.
It's interesting that the crux of the suit was over the sign in the cleaner's window- "Satisfaction Guaranteed".
You or I may see that as "satisfaction guaranteed or you don't have to pay, or we'll get a new pair of pants or the equivalent".
The judge appeared to have taken that phrase to mean what was established in the days of dueling- "satisfaction" meant "I will stab or shoot you through the heart".
As in those days there were incredibly talented, often wealthy, bully-boys running around looking for causes of offense. Think of them as frat-boys (or lacrosse players in a Southern university) with 3-foot razor blades. They all demanded "satisfaction" as well.
Since lawyers (from which we derive most of our judging fraternity) are well-skilled in the razor-like aspects of the law, many of us are targets for the bully-boy type. There aren't many, but they stick in the mind when you run into one- perhaps at a divorce proceeding? I digress.
I consider it a good thing that this Court is not overly trained in the legal arts, and a doubly good thing that particularly litigious jurist didn't get what he didn't deserve.
So decreed.

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