Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Forgive Me.

I am watching very carefully how the world, the U.S., the media and the blogosphere react to the Virginia killings.
I am watching the reaction to evil. What was in that young man's head was evil.
Now, how do you react to evil?
Attempt the barn-door approach? I'm seeing a lot of that, with talk about locking down campuses. Most of these discussions were so lame and ass-covering that they fade quickly.
The Second Amendment approach (if we all had guns, we'd've shot 'im)? Saw some of that as well, and I see the logic in it. I don't necessarily agree with the logic but I see it.
Then there is the approach that says we have to change our society, it is evil-engendering. We have to close the ozone hole, too. More success doing that.
He was sick, no doubt, and many people knew it. No one did much, since the pressure not to exceeded the need to.
If we say that people need to get involved, that means people will start "getting all up in my business"- can we handle that?
How about we just say he was whacked, and leave it at that. I say this because 10 months from now, very few people outside of Virginia will remember anything other than "a bunch of people got killed by a nutcase".
If this isn't an issue that can change our way of relating to each other on a daily basis, then let's just forget it now, since we are going to later this year anyway. Unless you know a whacked person, and you do something, say something or get in their face. If you don't, then just forget it.
So decreed.

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